Source code for ampel.view.TransientView

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:                Ampel-photometry/ampel/view/
# License:             BSD-3-Clause
# Author:              valery brinnel <>
# Date:                13.01.2018
# Last Modified Date:  17.06.2021
# Last Modified By:    valery brinnel <>

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from ampel.view.SnapView import SnapView
from ampel.view.LightCurve import LightCurve

	from ampel.types import StockId
	from ampel.content.StockDocument import StockDocument
	from ampel.content.LogDocument import LogDocument
	from ampel.content.T1Document import T1Document
	from ampel.types import OneOrMany
	from import Sequence
	from ampel.view.T2DocView import T2DocView
	from ampel.content.DataPoint import DataPoint

[docs] class TransientView(SnapView): __slots__ = "lightcurve", lightcurve: "None | Sequence[LightCurve]" def __init__( self, id: "StockId", stock: "None | StockDocument" = None, origin: "None | OneOrMany[int]" = None, t0: "None | Sequence[DataPoint]" = None, t1: "None | Sequence[T1Document]" = None, t2: "None | Sequence[T2DocView]" = None, logs: "None | Sequence[LogDocument]" = None, extra: "None | dict[str, Any]" = None ): super().__init__(id, stock=stock, origin=origin, t0=t0, t1=t1, t2=t2, logs=logs, extra=extra) if self.t0 and self.t1: lightcurve: "None | Sequence[LightCurve]" = tuple(, tuple(el for el in self.t0 if el['id'] in comp['dps'])) for comp in self.t1 ) else: lightcurve = None object.__setattr__(self, "lightcurve", lightcurve)
[docs] def get_photopoints(self) -> "None | Sequence[DataPoint]": if not self.t0: return None # By convention photopoints have positive int ids return [dp for dp in self.t0 if dp['id'] > 0]
[docs] def get_upperlimits(self) -> "None | Sequence[DataPoint]": if not self.t0: return None # By convention photopoints have negative int ids return [dp for dp in self.t0 if dp['id'] < 0]
[docs] def get_lightcurves(self) -> "None | Sequence[LightCurve]": return self.lightcurve